Revolutionise Supplier Management with moonstride – A Seamless Experience

By moonstride | 18 December 2023 |
Revolutionise Supplier Management with moonstride – A Seamless Experience
Building and maintaining strong relationships with travel industry suppliers is the bedrock of success. Enter moonstride, the game-changing SaaS technology platform, redefining how travel agents and tour operators interact with their supplier network. With a suite of advanced supplier management features, moonstride is poised to transform your approach to supplier relationships.

The Essence of Effective Supplier Management

Efficiency in supplier management is not just a process – it is a strategic advantage. moonstride’s Supplier Management features are designed to empower users by providing them with the tools they need to thrive in a dynamic market.

Discover moonstride’s Supplier Management Module

Centralised Supplier Profiles:

Seamlessly create comprehensive profiles for all your suppliers, including vital contact information. Having this wealth of data at your fingertips ensures smooth communication and informed decision-making.

Flexible Payment Terms:

Tailor payment terms to suit the unique needs of your supplier network. moonstride enables you to set up terms that align perfectly with your business model.

Effortless Commission Calculations:

Leave commission calculations to moonstride. Set up straightforward rules, and let the platform do the maths. This ensures accurate and hassle-free commission management.

Invoice and Credit Note Integration:

Record invoices and credit notes effortlessly, linking them directly to the relevant bookings and services. This feature provides a seamless financial record, minimising discrepancies and maximising transparency.

Automated Commission Invoices:

Generate supplier commission invoices effortlessly, and easily track payments. This ensures that both you and your suppliers are on the same page, fostering trust and reliability.

Timely Payment Reminders:

Stay on top of your financial obligations with moonstride’s supplier payment due reports. This feature ensures that payments are made on time, bolstering your reputation as a dependable partner.

moonstride’s Supplier Management features are more than just tools – they are a strategic enabler for travel businesses looking to build enduring, fruitful supplier relationships. Experience the future of supplier management with moonstride, and unlock the full potential of your supplier network.

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