Email Centralisation – Managing All Email Communications within moonstride

By moonstride | 05 June 2024 |
Email Centralisation – Managing All Email Communications within moonstride
Having a feature which offers to manage all relevant communications with customers and suppliers from within a centralised platform can actually facilitate smooth tracking and availability of all important information exchange. Email centralisation for travel industry software refers to aggregating and managing all email communications related to travel quotations, bookings, enquiries, customer, and supplier interactions within a centralised system. Centralisation provides streamlining the email processes by consolidating all communications into one unified interface, which saves time and inconvenience of managing emails.

Let us explore what exactly email centralisation is with its benefits and how moonstride – a SaaS based travel technology platform can help tour/travel operators/agents.

Benefits of Email Centralisation


Availability and access to all relevant email communications from one single interface will make it possible for the tour operators or travel agents to respond instantly to the enquiries avoiding the delay to switch between multiple external systems.


As all emails are clustered and managed at a single location, it is very convenient to keep track of all supplier and customer interactions pertaining to a single quotation or booking as well as any other important information exchange.


Centralisation ensures availability of the same information to all concerned people uniformly and follow while responding to customer queries and managing bookings.


When integrated with other travel industry software such as booking engines, customer relationship management systems and booking systems, email centralisation will allow seamless data flow and better operational efficiency.

Data Analysis:

With all email data centralised, travel companies can analyse communication patterns, customer preferences, and feedback more effectively, leading to better-informed business decisions and improved customer service.

Overall, email centralisation plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity, communication, and customer experience within the travel industry by providing a unified platform for managing email communications.

Email Centralisation with moonstride

moonstride – a cloud-based enterprise SaaS platform for tour operators and travel agencies provides the Email Centralisation feature. Clients can opt for the email centralisation as an “AddOn” on need basis. Let us briefly discuss the services included in the Email Centralisation as provided by moonstride.

Email Sync –

The core functionality of the email centralisation module in moonstride is Email Sync. This allows configuring an email-id by an external email service provider to be synced with the moonstride system. The email-id which is to be synced has to be verified once with the email provider. Once synced, the communication using this email-id will reflect here. The synced email-id can also be edited, it can be stopped for syncing or the account can be deleted as required.

Send Emails –

Once the email-id is configured and synced in moonstride, emails can be sent to and received from the customers and/or suppliers as per the requirement. The moonstride interface for sending emails has the required information like sender name, to email, recipient list, cc and bcc as usual. The “To” field will have suggestions from the public contact list of the synced email as well the configured email ids for customers or suppliers.

Thread View –

Once initiated, all conversations would be recorded and reflected in the moonstride in a thread view like in any usual email. By default, 10 threads will be shown, with the option to load more.

Templates To Personalise Emails –

In order to maintain a uniformity in the way emails are being sent to Customers/Suppliers, the email centralisation module of moonstride provides a feature to create and manage multiple templates. Templates can be created for different purposes and can be made public, private, or shared based on the requirement.

Attachments –

moonstride allows to attach all common file types as attachments to the emails. The maximum size of the attachments is 25MB, however, it depends on the limit defined by the email service provider.

Signatures –

Like any other email service, signatures can be created and managed within email centralisation of moonstride. In case of multiple signatures created, one can be marked as default.

Canned Responses –

Streamline interactions by selecting emails from a library of canned responses. This helps in saving time and consistent communication as the staff can quickly address common queries or requests with pre-written responses.

To summarise, it can be commented that Email Centralisation can prove to be an important feature to be used when integrated with a travel technology platform like moonstride. This integration can offer increased productivity and by providing all latest information available at a central location, always keeps all concerned on the same page.

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